Wednesday, April 2, 2008

German Economic Propaganda is the Answer!!

During WW2 the minister of German propaganda, Joseph Goebbels, played with unemployment figures and made propaganda posters that made Germans support the economy. There was a promise of economic growth and proclamations of how great the Germans were a a people. These lies and half-truths actually perked up a dead economy. It has me thinking...maybe propaganda aint that bad.

When all I see is the dreaded "r-word" (recession) in economic headlines everyday, I can't help but see the market goes down when we see negative headlines. When investors see this they panic and sell. Their personal stress do to these headlines dominoes into nationwide economic stress.

How amazing is the media and it's impact! I know it seems wrong, but maybe we should consider some positive economic propaganda for the greater good, to use the media as a tool for positive change. You don't have to lie, just accentuate the positive. Just a little....come on the media screws with us anyways, why not use your powers to improve things. I will help. I am a designer and I have actually made my own fun propaganda posters for high gas prices. I could do subliminal propaganda advertising.

It isn't like the media doesn't bend the truth anyways, with Rupert Murdoch in charge of like 70% of the news out there, he definitely has his hand in the cookie jar of truth. So why not use your power for the greater good....I mean they said it in Spiderman, with great power comes great responsibility. So do something good dammit!

This rant is courtesy of this crappy economy and annoyed unemployed Americans.

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