Saturday, January 3, 2009

My career forecast for 2009

According to yahoo horoscopes, the following is my forecast for 2009:

This year, use your inventive mind and strong intuitive powers to help make some necessary changes in your career. It's time to create harmony with things that haven't quite reached your expectations, letting go of what you think are mistakes, and realizing that these are all stepping stones toward success. As you align yourself to your inner knowing and sharp business sense, your efforts will pay great rewards.

In the springtime, you will feel the urge to travel and connect with other cultures to help expand and enlighten your point of view, broadening your spiritual and intellectual values. Come summer, you may feel a bit introspective and choose to withdraw in order explore the subtle emotions and mystical depths of your being. Work in a mode of love and understanding of humanity, and in service to the life of the planet.

Prosperity is yours as you awaken to what is already inside of you. When you direct your emotions in a positive way, your fears will be released, allowing you to manifest what you want. The more you tap into universal knowledge, the more you are able to connect to your inherent power in a way you never dreamed possible. This is a time of great energy building, preparing you for the success coming in both your public and professional life. In your highest manifestation, your energy is invested in satisfying collective needs for the betterment of society.

Let's hope it comes true!!

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