Thursday, January 15, 2009

Maybe it's the wine talking...but I am kicking FEAR'S A$$!

I am sitting here and getting more HTML elements in my head and I have come to realize: HTML aint as hard as I thought it would be! Silly Sophia! You shoulda jumped on the HTML bandwagon a loooong time ago!

But seriously, aint that the case for a lot of things. We build up these things in our head and the initial fear of the unknown settles in and then when you actually start doing it, it is not NEARLY as hard as you thought it would be. It's like every freelance assignment I go on and I get so nervous the night before thinking what if they hate me, what if I can't deliver what they want, etc. Then you go to the job and after the first day you realize you are overqualified for the job and it is a piece of cake. Though that fear, though sometimes annoying, keeps you on your toes and makes you deliver superior quality in the end. The far of leaning and leaping into a new form of design is not helpful or useful at all! It is paralyzing!

So my next website, or 2.0 will be all hand-coded in HTML, CSS and Javascript! Take that FEAR! Oh and you, procrastination, my former friend, well we are breaking up. I read most of this book "Getting Things Done: by David Allen, and in thinking over things recently realized, if I am not engrossed in a project or have somewhere to be, the time to do something is NOW. It is silly how I will email things to myself to do later, why, I can do it now! You gotta do things that aren't fun sometime, this is part of life, just suck it up and do it!

So the moral of the story is: If you don't think you can do it you're wrong! We are all, especially perfectionists, capable of doing more than you think! As trite and corporate as it sounds, like Nike always says... JUST DO IT!!!!!

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